Stats - The power of podcasts

Podcasts connects with their audience like no other medium - They engage with listeners, who take direct actions based on the what they hear.  Here's the evidence....

The Infinite Dial 2021 U.K. by Edison Research

Edison research are a massive supplier of media and political research in the States.  They started the Infinite Dial Survey in 1999 to research digital media consumer behaviour in America.  2021 is the first time they have surveyed the UK marketplace.  Much of the research surrounds Podcast usage in the country, and was carried out with support from Spotify and Bauer Media Group.

You can download the findings here:

71% of adults (16+) in the UK now have an awareness of Podcasts.  This is much higher than previous research has suggested.

A massive 41% of UK adults (Nearly 28 million of us) have listened to podcasts in the last month.

40% are age 16-34 
44% are age 35-54
38% are 55+

It's not surprising that podcasts appeal to all ages ranges - There are so many types and styles, covering just about any imaginable subject!

Not only do they appeal to all age ranges, the listeners are engaged and WANT MORE, that's why weekly podcast listeners in the UK averaged FIVE PODCAST EPISODES a week (That's a whole lot of learning and entertainment)!

Inifinite Dial UK 2021

Rajar: Official audience research

"Radio Joint Audience Research" - They have always measured Radio listening figures in the U.K.  Since the rise in digital/online listening, they now also measure Podcast listening habits in their quarterly "Midas Report".  Q3, Autumn 2019 is out and Podcasts are stronger than ever:

Podcast listening continues to rise in all demographics.  The number of weekly Podcast listeners in the UK has risen by an massive 2.9 million adults (15+) since this time last year.

Podcasts now attract 9.4 million weekly listeners in the UK.  To give that context: The UK's biggest radio programme (Radio 2 Breakfast with Zoe Ball) has 8.24million listeners.  Proving once again that Podcasts are mainstream.

Podcasts are the number one listened to medium on headphones, and 90% of Podcast listeners are listening to Podcasts when alone.  Which means we have engaged listeners.

Podcast listeners are listening for TWICE AS LONG as they were two years ago, which means that YOUR messages stand twice the chance of being heard.

Midas report

2021: Official Stats

As of 2020, there were over 15 million podcast listeners in the UK and the audience is growing steadily as the popularity of podcasts is increasing, with a prediction of close to 20 million podcast listeners by the year 2024.

There are around 2 million podcasts out there with over 45 million episodes as of April 2021 - With so many options for listeners, YOUR content needs to be of a high quality to stand out. 

Apple Podcasts features more than 500,000 active podcasts, including content in more than 100 languages, so people can listen all around the world. 🌎

Midas report

Acast "Audience Intelligence Report".

Acast host 50% of the U.K.'s Podcasts and carry out this report annually - Here are some key findings from the latest survey.

Here's a figure that traditional media could only dream of! If this many Podcast listeners take action because of a 30-second inserted advert, imagine engagment with YOUR BRAND, if the whole Podcast was centred around it!

Podcasts are growing quicker that any other medium, including digital streaming (Spotify/iTunes)

ACast research

The Infinite Dial - U.S.

Whilst this research was carried out in the U.S, it can also be applied to U.K. Podcast listeners.

Podcasts are portable are often used as secondary activities, unlike TV.  They are always available on demand, unlike Radio.

Listeners feel connected to a community of like minded people.  In this safe environment, they are particularly open to suggestion -  This is a great time for YOUR BRAND to be exposed to them.

Most listeners consume Podcasts alone, often with earphones in - It's just them and the host, which creates an intimate feel.  A bond, trust and listener loyalty builds quickly.  

A Branded Podcast from Carrotcruncher connects brands with loyal listeners, who then become loyal consumers.

The Infinite Dial research

© Copyright 2023 Pete Allen T/A Carrotcruncher Media
(Making Podcasts in the UK since 2010)

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